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Frequently asked questions

A number of questions are often asked after people are introduced to religious naturalism: What is religious naturalism?What do religious naturalists believe?What do religious naturalists do?What does it take to become a religious naturalist?What do religious...

God as “ground of being” – Paul Tillich

Paul Tillich was critical of the view of God as a type of being or presence. He felt that, if God were a being, God could not then properly be called the source of all being (due to the question of what, in turn, created God). As an alternative, he suggested that God...

Science Musings from Chet Raymo

Chet Raymo’s Science Musings column appeared weekly in the Boston Globe for 20 years, with meditations on science as a creative activity and celebration of the mystery and grandeur of the natural world. Postings continued online until 2015, and an archive with...

Encounters with Nature

Much as entering a church or temple prompts attention to the divine, encounters with nature can shift focus from daily life. As they offer lessons and reminders and affect our focus and mood, encounters with nature can be parts of a personal sense of something...

Religious naturalism and art

“How can cosmic religious feeling be communicated from one person to another, if it can give rise to no definite notion of a God and no theology? In my view, it is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are...