jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('img[title]').each(function() { $(this).removeAttr('title'); }); });

John Muir

John Muir was a naturalist who called out – Go to the mountains. Go to nature. Drink her soothing waters. And learn the lessons she has to teach. He felt that something in us needs this and responds to it, even if we may not recognize this need. He felt that...

Seeking knowledge

“In every true searcher of Nature there is a kind of religious reverence” …..Albert Einstein In a number of religions, seeking knowledge is seen as an option for a spiritual path. In Hindu tradition, jnana yoga (the Way to God through Knowledge), is one of four paths...

Spiritual/religious experiences

Most people, at times, have feelings that can be seen as spiritual or religious. With rituals, meditation, religious services, and prayer, these can be prompted by religious practice. Similar feelings may occur with non-religious prompts, in responding to natural...

The Ecozoic Era, by Thomas Berry

While many have voiced concern about how increasing human presence is causing dangerous changes on planet Earth, few have offered suggestions for a target to try to move toward. This essay, by Thomas Berry, presents an image of a potential future community that will...

Natural wonders

Part of religious perception can include a sense of wonder and appreciation at the order and beauty in the world.      These links show photos, video, and audio that give glimpses and reminders of some of the wonders of nature. Surface of the Sun as you’ve never seen...