jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('img[title]').each(function() { $(this).removeAttr('title'); }); });
Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan

The joyous and essential Carl Sagan, like Rachel Carson, has become a household name, largely because of his splendid 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, the most widely watched series in the history of public television, seen by at least 500 million...
Loyal Rue

Loyal Rue

Philosopher Loyal Rue is regarded by many of us as a key figure in the development of the religious naturalist orientation. In his first book, Amythia, he lifted up the tragic absence of a common planetary Mythos and suggested that our understandings of Nature could...
Chet Raymo

Chet Raymo

Chet Raymo, a retired Professor of Physics at Stonehill College, is a mystic, journalist and writer, notably of the wonderfully titled When God is Gone, Everything Is Holy: The Making of a Religious Naturalist. Some lucid quotes:   The dark night was the first...
V. V. Raman

V. V. Raman

VV, as he is known, just celebrated his 90th birthday in fine fettle. A native of Calcutta and trained in theoretical physics in France, he held the wonderful title of Professor of Physics and Humanities at the Rochester Institute of Technology until his retirement,...
Maria Popova

Maria Popova

Maria Popova sends out a weekly blog called The Marginalian. Her mission is to couple our science-based understandings with the arts in all sorts of vibrant ways. She has written an outstanding book called Figuring from which most of the quotes below derive, and has...