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Victoria Loorz, MDiv, has a fascinating life history steeped in RN and DTN sensibilities. She is a spiritual director and the founding pastor of the first Church of the Wild, in Ojai, California and Echoes Wild Church in Bellingham, Washington. She co-founded and leads the ecumenical Wild Church Network , a North American cohort of wild church leaders. Victoria is co-founder, guide and director of Seminary of the Wild which offers a yearlong Eco-Ministry Certificate program that supports spiritual leaders to say YES to their own ‘wild calling’ to serve all Creation. She also guides the Eco-Spiritual Direction program which trains spiritual directors to include the natural world as co-companions on the Christian spiritual journey. She is mother to two young adult children who are “wise, creative, tender souls, dedicated to creating a more inclusive, compassionate, and just world.”


Her 2021 book, Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us Into the Sacred is a beautiful read. Rather than pulling up quotes, this link will take you to a short summary of her perspectives.