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Morality and values

 …… Some people fear that, without belief in God, there is no basis for values, no source of moral guidance, and no incentive for ethical behavior. Based on this, they may be suspicious of non-believers. One way of responding is to look at results. Naturalists...

Personal descriptions of practices

So now we can talk practices. And we can call them religious practices . . . because they make us pause and consider. And if we do them with awareness, they orient us to our common best interest, which is to live in balance with each other and the world. Reverend Ron...

Philosophy And Religion

Philosophy and Religion “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”Mary Oliver Humans have for millennia sought to understand their place in the cosmos and in culture via philosophical and religious reflection on their core narratives....

Featured Author – Donald Crosby

In The Thou of Nature: Religious Naturalism and Reverence for Sentient Life, he explores the moral and spiritual obligations of humans to animals and suggests that we should develop an I-thou, not an I-it, relationship with other sentient beings. In Living with...

Encounters with Nature

Religious Naturalism Taking Nature to Heart Encounters With Nature Much as entering a church or temple prompts attention to the divine, encounters with nature can shift focus from daily life. As they offer lessons and reminders and affect our focus and mood,...