Carol Wayne White
Carol Wayne White is Presidential Professor of Philosophy of Religion at Bucknell University, specializing in Poststructuralist Philosophies, Process Philosophy and Theism, Religious Naturalism, Science and Religion, and Critical Theory and Religion. Her books include Poststructuralism, Feminism, and Religion: Triangulating Positions (2002); The Legacy of Anne Conway (1631-70): Reverberations from a Mystical Naturalism (2009); and Black Lives and Sacred Humanity: Toward an African American Religious Naturalism (2016), which won a Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Titles. White has published numerous essays in philosophy of religion and on religious naturalism; her work in philosophy and critical religious thought has also appeared in Zygon: The Journal of Religion and Science, The American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, Philosophia Africana, and Religion & Public Life. White has received international awards and national fellowships, including an Oxford University Fellowship in Religion and Science, a Science and Religion Grant from The John Templeton Foundation, and a NEH Fellowship. She is currently finishing a book manuscript exploring a trajectory of modernist racial discourse that intimately conjoined white supremacy and speciesism in promoting views of black animality and doing research for a new book project that explores the insights of religious naturalism expressed in contemporary North American nature poets and writers.