What is real?
What is right and good?
Ways of coping with life challenges
Ways of understanding and encouraging spiritual feelings
Many authors have provided information and ideas that can help in examining these and other questions. Click on links below to get a brief introduction to each author and links to some articles and books they have written.
Religious naturalism
Ursula Goodenough, Chet Raymo, Jerome Stone, Donald Crosby, Robert Corrington, Michael Dowd, Connie Barlow
Physics and cosmology
Albert Einstein, Fritjof Capra, Carl Sagan, Steven Hawking
E.O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, Frans de Waal
Brain and mind
Antonia Damasio, Steven Pinker, Owen Flanagan, Terrence Deacon, Michael Gazzaniga
Philosophy and mythology
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Joseph Campbell
Science and religion
Wesley Wildman, Loyal Rue, V.V. Raman, Andrew Newberg
Baruch Spinoza, Paul Tillich, William James, Mordecai Kaplan, Henry Nelson Weiman, Gordon Kaufman, Karl Peters, John Shelby Spong
Nature, ecology, and religion
Thomas Berry, Aldo Leopold, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Paul Harrison