This website is supported the Religious Naturalist Association (RNA), which was founded to encourage the development and spread the awareness of religious naturalism.
RNA includes people with a broad range of religious, cultural, professional, and personal backgrounds. It includes scientists, carpenters, philosophers and theologians, teachers, students, lawyers, and many others. It includes authors of books and articles on religion, naturalism, and related topics, including Ursula Goodenough (“The Sacred Depths of Nature”), Loyal Rue (“Religion is Not about God”), Donald Crosby (“A Religion of Nature”), and Michael Cavanaugh (“Biotheology: A New Synthesis of Science and Religion”).
Content on this site was developed by RNA supporters, but it should be noted that not all supporters have reviewed or approved content on this site and that a range of views exist.
This site has been active, with evolving content, since 2004.
If you are interested in learning more about the Religious Naturalist Association (RNA) or supporting this effort, visit the RNA website.
If you have comments or suggestions, send them to: